Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Lovely Ghost 2 (Prologue)


Chapter 1 teaser == PROLOGUE


I sat on the tree shaped chair in the garden. He said to me that he has a surprise for our third anniversary, it made me crazy nervous.

He came to me with huge cute smile and asked me to sit down under the big tree. This place is our playground since children, when we were children we played hide and seek here, under this tree and now after few years he become my sweet love and invited me to a nice dinner. Under a big tree with clear night sky, he looks so handsome. He fired candles in front of us, “I cooked all by myself” he giggled

“Aigo, it must be delicious” I tasted it “Yummy” his face blushed after heard my words.

“Gomawo” he silent for a while and continued “I wanna ask something with you”


“Eumh, we have been known each other since children and it’s our third anniversary, I think it’s enough for us, we can finish it with erghh like a happy ending or something”

I started to be worry “What’s your mean?”

“Jung Eri, would you marry with me?”

Bammm…. That’s question like a tornado in my heart. My blossom pink cheeks was smiling when I answered ‘Yes of course’

===<3====Love is Bond=====<3=====

The day is come. Two weeks after I asked her about the marriage proposal and she accepted me, I was so happy, I hugged and kissed her with my huge love, and now I sat here, in my car, on the way to the church. I couldn’t manage my fast heartbeat, my forehead wet. I wiped my sweat each second my time passed. Car stopped, my leg suddenly got paralyze on the first step.

“He’s coming” I heard someone yelled from the church gate as everyone whispered about my appearance.

“Aigo… you’re so handsome today” JunMin ahjuma said it as hugged me tightly

“Gomawo” I replied and walked, stepped on the red carpet that made me feel like prince.
I stood up nervously after got text from Taemin that they will come about fifteen minutes. I fixed my tie and my hair, and then looked at all audience, and back to my tie and did it again few times, I damn nervous. After fifteen minutes waited, they didn’t appear. I started to be worried, what happen?

From the gate, my driver ran with phone in his hand “Mister Kim, you got call”

“Hyeon agassi”

“Yoboseo” I answered tentatively “Mwo Hyeon nonna?”

“Key, their car, their car got accident. They all in emergency room now, doctor said Eri the most severe”

Hyeon nonna’s words cut my tongue, my phone fell on the floor as my eyes became wider than before. My parents stood up and asked me but I couldn’t hear anything, just big storm in my head, my leg suddenly felt very weak and then without thinking, I just ran, came in my car and escape from my marriage, leave all people that stared at me with compassion.
So then, say it say it say it …. What do you think ????

====Chapter 1 LINK (will post soon ^^)

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